
Trick by Christopher Rawlins
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Trick by Christopher Rawlins (49.95)

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Memoraid - magic
Memoraid Memoraid

Showcase superhuman memory skills without any difficult work required. It's almost unfair how easy "Memoraid" is to use.

“Memoraid” by Christopher Rawlins makes you instantly look like a memory master. This secret weapon takes care of all the hard work for you. It looks, and even functions, like a real memory game, all while disguising the igenious method. It's not only practical, logical, clever and amazing, but is also inherently more interesting to your audience than ordinary playing cards.

No expense was spared in designing and developing this special deck of images. The whole set is exceptional quality and looks completely legit. Your spectators can shuffle the cards and even drop them and you’ll still always be ready to amaze. As “Memoraid” is actually a real game you can play with friends or family, you can leave them around the house or take them to the bar and be ready to blow minds whenever you want.

“Chris oozes professionalism when performing and it's a joy to watch him at work. Memoraid (like his previous release Predictable) looks so genuine and suspicion free. It's cleverness makes it feel like you are genuinely doing what you say but with much less skill than one is led to believe." Angelo Carbone

“I am awestruck by Chris Rawlins’ incredible talents. His ability to captivate and inspire is exceptional. He is a brilliant creator and thinker with a unique gift for pushing the boundaries of what the mind can achieve.” Lewis Leval

"Memoraid" comes with 50 custom images. Half are gorgeous color images, and the other half are black & white. Each image is discreetly marked in a way that will be crystal clear to you, but invisible to your audience. You get all this, as well as two instruction cards highlighting the playable game rules and the Ultimate Memory Test, all housed within a premium box.

Video instructions are also included and are a mini masterclass on their own. These instructions run nearly 90 minutes and teach the following:

The Ultimate Memory Test
This multi-phase routine gets progressively more challenging as you demonstrate your ability to memorize shuffled game cards in unbelievable detail. This reputation-making routine is Chris’s go-to memory demonstration when he really needs to make a good impression.

Grid Memory
You won't believe how easy it is to perform this super strong and unique 3-phase routine.

Memory Master Game
You’ll not only learn how to play the legit memory game, but will discover the secret to always winning.

Memoraid as a Mind-Reading Tool
Discover how to use “Memoraid” for easy and impossible mind-reading tricks, including reading the minds of 1, 2, or even 3 people with ease. You will also learn how to know which image a spectator has removed and placed in their pocket, as well as a sneaky no-memory system called “Linguistic Svengali”.

BONUS Section
In this extra section, Chris shares many additional ideas and uses that highlight the versatility of "Memoraid".

It's rare to find a memory demonstration as powerful, entertaining, and easy to do as "Memoraid" by Christopher Rawlins. You’ll love performing it everywhere you go. Get "Memoraid" now at Vanishing Inc.!

See Full Performances

“Memoraid is the latest weapon released by THE memory master Chris Rawlins. It is apparent instant nuclear level memory power hidden in plain sight. Incredibly well thought out, polished to perfection. Multiple jaw-dropping routines are super easy to do because Memoraid does the heavy lifting for you! Sorry for the pun but it’s a no-brainer!” Bob Kohler

“Harry Lorayne was my mentor, and I saw him perform his memory feats for a lay audience – that’s when I learned that memorization demonstrations can captivate an audience. I am truly looking forward to the release of Memoraid.” David Regal

“Chris Rawlins is THE master of the Memory Act, if you've ever seen his full show you‘ll know what I mean. He creates memory demonstrations that are both impressive and amazing, but above all engaging. With Memoraid he has designed a deck of image cards that makes sense; it looks exactly like an 'off the shelf' card game. It's secret, however, is that it's actually a clever and brilliantly devious prop that will enable you to do your own incredible memory feats with absolute ease!” Marc Paul

“Looks cool. I like to have a memory routine in my arsenal and this is way more interesting than memorizing playing cards.” The Jerx

“Memoraid is my favourite kind of mentalism prop: innocent yet intriguing and incredibly well made. I absolutely love it." Hector Chadwick

“Chris has created a real, genuine memory game from the ground up. You can actually play it with your friends. But what your friends won't know is that the game cards have secrets... Secrets that will allow you to perform multiple different incredible memory demonstrations, impossible direct mindreading for one or multiple participants and much, much more. Oh, and you can win the game every time if you want! Very clever. Very Chris. Highly recommended.” Mark Elsdon

“My memory is terrible but Memoraid is incredible, makes me look like a god.” Noel Qualter


Customer reviews for Memoraid



This is a really superb tool. It is an innocent looking game, but it really is a versatile mental weapon. There are so many effects you can perform: memory stunts, color separations, mind readings, you can use the drawings or the words - it's just great fun to create your own magic. Chris teaches a very cool routine that builds up to a great finale, but you can almost do any existing mentalism card effect. The markings are super easy to read and there is no memory work. You can argue that on closer inspection the markings can be detected, but you want to avoid a situation anyway, where the cards get inspected by the spectators. The quality of the cards and the box, as well as the design of everything is just great. A real worker.


Laura Bautista

Well, finally something different. Memoraid is a memory game that can ALSO be used as a multi-step magic routine in a really cool twist. You choose. As a memory game it is fantastic and offers a lot of possibilities. If you decide to use it as a mentalism tool, it will give you a lot of play. With its premium box, nothing will make you suspect that it contains delicious marking that does all the work for you. Awesome!



At first I thought this would be another deck like the dozens I already have. The instruction video put all my concerns to rest. So many ways to perform and so full of info, Mr. Rawlings deserves the thanks of making this product anything but a one trick pony. THANK YOU.


Community questions about Memoraid

Have a question about this product? It's possible others do too. Ask here and other Vanishing Inc. Magic customers will be able to respond with assistance! Alternatively, email us and we can help too.

  • Kevin asks: Will I need to wear my reading glasses to perform this? Will low lighting make it harder to perform?

    • 1. Chris Rawlins (creator) responds: I obviously can’t speak to your vision, however one of the many positive pieces of feedback Memoraid has received is that it is very clear to read and easy to use. If you have enough light to see the back of the cards, you’ll be able to see clearly.
  • Peter asks: The video spends a lot of time telling us what this deck can do but fails to show us being done. How about a demonstration?

    • 1. Chris Rawlins (creator) responds: As I understand it, Vanishing Inc have plans to share that moving forward.
  • James asks: How is this different from ABSee deck, if basically the same?

    • 1. Chris Rawlins (creator) responds: It’s very different. The images, the context, the card size, the design and everything Memoraid can do make it very very different. ABSee is fantastic, however it is dependent upon the cards not being shuffled or mixed. Memoraid can be mixed as much as anyone wishes and still function perfectly. The context is also very different too, Memoriad being an actual playable game. Without saying too much here - Memoraid does a lot more than you probably realise.
  • Gilbert asks: How will we know when your demonstration clip will be shown? It sounds interesting, but we must see a performance.

    • 1. Chris Rawlins (creator) responds: That’s now here on the product page.
  • Jason asks: Can you tell us more about the playable game? Is this a game you might play without doing the trick at all?

    • 1. Chris Rawlins (creator) responds: Sure. The game can be played with unlimited players, though 1-4 works best. It’s a simple but fun and measurable game that I created that really draws people in. Of course with Memoraid you’ll learn how to always win if you would like to. The game is competitive as you’ll be scored on your success however it can also be a really great ‘thing’ you have your friend help you achieve. Finally - if you genuinely play the game, your memory will improve.
  • Nitsan asks: Will it work in other language beside English?

    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: The cards are printed in English but the images are pretty universally known
  • Andre asks: Is the marking system easy to learn and to remember ? Is it visible from a distance ? Thanks

    • 1. Chris Rawlins (creator) responds: The marking systems (there are 3 per card) are all easy to understand and require no thinking, decoding or work to understand them. Best of all, we made these so that your spectators will never see them but you’ll never not see them.
  • Dave asks: I bought it and I really like it. I'm glad I got it. I was wondering, though, if you could give a brief response to this question: One of the strengths of the deck is that the design allows for you to work very quickly. The downside might be that you can be found out easier. Any thoughts about reducing this risk? Is it simply to create a frame so convincing that they buy the idea that it is an amazing feat of memory and don't even consider alternate explanations?

    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: You've answered your own question :)
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